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  • Writer's pictureLewis Marlow

Finished University with a first class degree

Updated: Jul 9

Well that was hard work. I think the proof is that there hasn't been a blog post in a long time. I submitted my final piece of work on the 14th of June. 10 days after my Birthday and 1 day before my anniversary with my Fiancé.

Every 20 credit module of my degree scored over a 70, with 2 scoring over a 90. The only 40 credit module, my final year project, was also the only module scoring less than a 70 at 64. That's a story for another post though.

I'd like to share bits about every module in my final year because there were some great experiences. Building a VR training simulation for the Navy, creating a rendering pipeline that used 0 polygons. Interesting things to share.

Graduating at 30 was definitely the right thing for me. I met a first year recently who will graduate at 31 and we both agree that waiting and working before going to university was a good decision.

What's difficult to understand when you're 18 is where to put your energy so that your future self benefits. Some people seem to just do this naturally and I am a little envious. But starting University at 28 meant I could put all my effort, energy and passion into learning, absorbing and growing to become a specialist at a subject of my choosing that will likely see my career to it's end.

I don't really know what to say in this blog post. It's been a hard 3 years and I'm excited for the future. I officially graduate in 19 days. I'm currently working at the University on another VR training project for the military for a few weeks and then it's onto graduate roles in the games industry. Genuinely can't wait to find out if the skills I've developed are up to the industry standard, and I can get my hands dirty making components for an engine.

I'll share some of my work soon.

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